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Farmville game on facebook, tips and tricks to play Farmville on facebook, how to play games for newbieDalam Farmville Farmville, we played like being a farmer, such as plowing fields, harvesting crops to earn money that can be used to expand and improve the land to become a farmer successful. Flash-based game player games like Harvest Moon for the friend who never played it. To start this game please open http://apps.facebook.com/onthefarm.
My Farmer (Farmer I)
Buddy can change the look by clicking avatarnya farmers. Where is my friend can change skin color, facial, and various other features as we did at the beginning of the game.
Walk (Walk)
By clicking the arrow keys, my friend could direct the farmer to walk. In this mode, my friend can walk to anywhere on the screen by clicking on the location. These default settings can be used to open the menu object (to move or sell the trees, decorations, and buildings) and use contextual commands (for example, clicking plowed into the soil or plant seeds in order to grow fully and can be harvested).
Plow (dig)
When my friend clicks on the hoe, hoe buddy into equipment (Plow tool). Now my friend can click on the ground to start plowing. Each square of land will cost 15 coins and my friend will get 1 experience.
Plant (Plant)
If a square've plowed the ground, my friend can plant seeds by clicking on the land or can also use the market. This mode will open the market, where my friend can choose seeds that are used. Seed prices vary depending on the level necessary to open the seeds that are still in the lock and also depending on the time needed to grow. Each plant seeds will get a mate 2 experiences.
Harvest (Harvest)
Plants need 1-4 days to grow before it can be harvested. If the plants are ready for harvest, click on the plant was ready to harvest in order to be sold for coin. Treatment should be done in order to plant is not damaged if left too long they will be wilted.
Level and Experience (Experience and level)
Activities such as plowing, planting, caring for animals, helping neighbors, buying farm items (buildings, trees, animals) will get experiences. Experience is used to increase the level and open the locked items.
Click the icons Market Market to open the menu. From here my friend can buy various items:
* Seeds (Seed)
This is the seed used for planting crops. The higher the level you need to buy seed, the more coin to be produced at the time of harvest.
* Trees (Trees)
Trees will grow and produce fruit that can be sold to produce the coin, the tree can also be purchased as a gift to a friend. Tree will produce fruit about 2-5 days, depending on what the buddy tree planting. Currently, the tree will not fade if left for days. Pal can buy and sell this tree when it reaches level 7.
* Animals (Animals)
Some animals can be purchased from the market, the animal can diternak to produce coin or can also be given as a gift. Pal can buy and sell the animal if it has reached level 7.
* Buildings (Buildings)
These items can be used to decorate the farm mate, and in the future will have an effect on this game.
* Decoration
These items will help make farming more complete.
* Expand the Land
Pal can buy land to expand farming buddy.
Gifting (Gifts)
Buddy can receive gifts from your friends or vice versa. Usually a gift that can be sent is a tree or animal. Tipsnya, often send gifts to friends, mate, and they will do the same thing to my friend!
By using Neighbors pal My page can invite friends to become one of the adjacent neighbors. When my friend to help a neighbor, then the buddy will get experience points
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